Happy Thanksgiving! Chances are, you will be decorating your home this weekend for the holidays, if you haven’t done so already!

When you added a fence to your property, it helped to bring peace of mind, security and added to your home's style. So why not give that fence some extra attention this holiday season?

Adding holiday decorations to a fence can be as simple as hanging a wreath on a gate, adding bows to the tops of posts, or as elaborate as stringing hundreds of feet of lights along the entire length of the fence. 

If you have extra holiday lights, give it a try! Adding a few decorations to your home's fence can add a nice touch of holiday spirit!

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New Year, New Projects!
New Year, New Projects!

Contact us today to take the first step in reaching your New Year's goals for your home at  https://all-typefence.com/pages/request-a-quote!
Holiday Fence Inspo
Holiday Fence Inspo

"It’s a beaut, Clark!" Now we all know Clark Griswold had his vision of what he wanted his house to look like for the holidays, so what about your fence?
Thank You!
Thank You!

The most popular question around this time of year is, "What are you thankful for"?