Our custom wood fences are unbeatable for quality, appearance, and longevity.
Cedartech is the fusion of nature and ingenuity. Natural cedar products mixed with creative design and a passion for the extraordinary. We have created wood fences that complement your needs, your lifestyle, and the way you shop. Wooden fences made of cedar are the most traditional fences in America and often the most affordable. We believe our cedar fences stand out among the crowd. Our master craftsmen design and build your fence by hand in our custom woodshops, allowing us to customize each fence we make to your lifestyle and your needs.
Techfences is the leading American manufacturer of low maintenance lifetime warranted fencing systems.
Hearth helps homeownersmake smart financial decisions about their home improvement projects. They connect homeowners to financing options that meet the needs of almost any project. Applying is easy — review rates from a over a dozen lenders in under 2 minutes.